The Girl who had too many clothes
Once there was a girl who had too many clothes. This had not always been the case. When she had been younger, she had only a pair of jeans that were too tight for her. And one day, she leaned over and the jeans had burst.
From then on, the Girl knew that she would need the perfect pair of jeans, one which would never burst and which would never cause her to feel embarrassed. When she finally found it, the Girl rejoiced. But not for long, because she then knew that she had nothing else in her wardrobe to match such a perfect pair of jeans. She started searching for the perfect white t-shirt. She found that too, to her great joy. But then she felt pressed to find the perfect shoes. But the perfect shoes did not entirely match the jeans, so she had to buy another pair of jeans. And t-shirt. And shoes. Pretty soon she had forgotten what was supposed to match what else. And she was less and less joyful each time she bought something new. She was also a lot busier trying to categorise and wash and iron and fold all the clothes she had bought.
But the most amazing thing was that each time the Girl opened her cupboard, she felt that there was absolutely Nothing that she could wear. She felt lost in the number of possible combinations.
She went through different seasons of emotions. At times she felt guilty – I shouldn’t buy anymore. I have so many things already. I should give some clothes away – but each time she left the house, a temporary amnesia would come over her and she would forget just how many clothes she had. She would then return with more clothes. And the pile just kept getting bigger and bigger.
At other times she felt exasperated – Why shouldn’t I buy these pretty, perfect clothes? After all, I used to have only one pair of jeans. And I have so many different sides of me, I need all the different clothes to match my different moods – but she knew it wasn’t true. There was just one Girl, and one side of her that just didn’t feel perfect enough with any piece of clothing.
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