Thursday, September 15, 2005

'She doesn't need the luck one'

Met an ex-student today. Wonderful time of talking and sharing, really appreciate how open and honest this person is, with me and with himself.
Something he said struck me. He was relating how he and another ex-student had been trying to buy me a teachers' day gift. They were choosing between a bracelet that symbolised luck and fortune, and another that symbolised friendship.
'Aiyah, she's so fortunate and lucky, she doesn't need the luck one. So blessed with so many things. Get her the friendship one then she'll rememebr our friendship.'
Yes I will. =)
When he said that, it forcibly struck me how incredibly blessed I appear to many many people. It made me ashamed of my lack of thanksgiving or whining about things that I don't happen to have.

Interesting that today was a day of different perspectives. During lunch break, two colleagues and I played a silly silly psycho-babble game.. I started : name two animals that you like and why.
I've always said 1) dolphin - intelligent , sociable, good mother
2) wolf - mysterious , beautiful, strong and travel in family groups.
I've always also freaked myself out by the interpretation of this game -
first animal is the person you want everyone to see you as (very accurate)
and the second animal is the person you would like to be with .(this has sent me into sleepless cycles.. sheesh.. is this why i'm attracted to silent, mysterious men? oh noooooo... )

But my colleague said that the game was actually about three animals -
the first - how you want others to see you,
the second - how others see you
the third - who you really are.

I realised how silly this parlour game is, how silly I have been to worry over this, but I smiled when i thought about my third animal - peregrine falcon. =)

Different perspectives..


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