Monday, May 28, 2007

Flawed Heroes

Had a great time talking to S the other day, about the general state of illteracy in Singapore as well as the problems in 'educating' children or youths about spiritual things or religion.

C once said that Westerners gravitate towards Eastern religions and Asians adopt Christianity in droves most likely due to the simplistic black-and-white 'truths' in the religion that are fed to us when we are young. As we grow older, it becomes increasingly clear that what has been taught seems increasingly irrelevant to how we live, and as the gap widens, we seek truths in other vistas, and discover new'grown-up' religions. It seems a likely explanation.

So I brought this up to S and we were going on about how this gap could be addressed when it suddenly hit me - flawed heroes.

In Sunday schools, David's courage in battling Goliath is consistently touted, but not a whimper is sounded about his adultery and murder and bloodletting.
Abraham is the Father of nations, but nothing is said of his lying and neglect of his wife's honour.
Samson defeated the Philistines, but only because he had first lusted after Delilah.

How is it that we have hidden the flaws of these heroes, when God has laid bare for all to see, to show that He is the God of everyone who is flawed and weak and deceitful?

During the church service this Sunday, the preacher was going on about praying for the anointing to break through for nations, the world.. and so on. All I could think was - I don't even have the strength to obey the simplest and clearest of things, and I'm supposed to have the audacity to save the world? Not me not me, I will not mock these holy things.

But suddenly, the preacher calmed down, paused. And she said - God will use the holy vessels like Mary, but God is also waiting to wrestle with those who are like Jacob, who was a deceiver. Waiting to wrestle and overpower Jacob so that Jacob could be blessed and his name changed to Israel - Prince of God.

Oh. That's me I hope. I pray.


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